mud and play

mud and play

What’s so important about playing with mud?
Can playing with mud or soil be harmful to children, what are the benefits of exploring these materials?
There is something special about a container full of a gloopy mixture of soil, water and other ingredients perhaps mixed together with a big wooden spoon or even better with your hands.
The soil when it’s not being used should be covered to prevent animals contaminating it and when children have finished with the soil, get them to wash their hands in soapy water.
Ruebush (2009) has conducted research into the rise of asthma and other allergies, her research looks into the use of antibiotics and antibacterial cleaners and she suggests the over use of these could lead to lowered immune systems.
The benefits of exploring soil, sand and other substances far outweigh concerns.
White (2009) suggests that if children have close contact with natural materials it might promote awareness and interest in caring for the natural world.
Exploring natural materials leads to open ended play which is vital to cognitive development.
Being outside will promote language development as children will be keen to talk about and share with you what they are doing. Unique opportunities will occur that will lead to new discoveries and in turn new knowledge.
The ethos that the world around us is important and worth looking after can be fostered and shared, promoting lifelong learning and interest and a responsibility to protect and look after our planet.
This could suggest that getting muddy and enjoying the experience far outweighs any negative thoughts. The key is sharing research, good practice and providing opportunities for exploring.

Ruebush, M. (2009) Why dirt is good: 5 ways to make germs your friend. New York: Kaplan Publishing.
White, J. (2009) Playing and learning outdoors: making provision for high quality experiences in the outdoor environment.London: Routledge.

One thought on “mud and play

  1. what a fantastic post, i agree with this post so much. Mud is not an enemy! We are such an outdoor family and i have lost count of the clothes that have ended up as ‘outdoor’ wear because of the love my daughter has of being outdoors. Looking forward to reading more of your posts and please feel free to look at my blog, very like minded posts.

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